Doubt is going to kill you.

How many times have you doubted your decisions today?

When I woke up, the first thing that ran through my mind was doubt.

I didn’t want to get out of bed.

I was doubting whether to do it.

You see, doubt creeps in when your mind is the most vulnerable.

When you’re tired from school/job; when you’ve just woken up, when something bad happens, etc.

From then, things can quickly spiral out of control.

The good thing is - you can train your brain to notice it.

Everything is fucking trainable, you know?

The basic thing like affirmations taught by guys like Jim Rohn work the best in this case.

What I do is I literally repeat to myself every time I get the chance to experience doubt: “Doubt is poison.”

The biggest trait I developed is that I make decisions and I do not look back.

I will analyze the situation, but I will leave it behind once it is over.

And that is because I stopped doubting myself.

I will not dwell on what I could’ve done differently, this shit is in the past now, neither will I stay anxious and think: “Should I do it or not..?”

I have to carry on.

Doubt is deeply correlated with low self-respect and self-love.

If you can’t lose yourself, at least develop self-respect by doing what you say you’re going to do.

The more you spend time in doubt, the more opportunities and lessons you will miss.