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- the pattern of life
the pattern of life
how ignorance makes you suffer

good sunday, friend.
this week was even crazier in terms of knowledge and lessons than the previous one.
i’ve gone through it being on life’s rollercoaster.
one thing that i’ve noticed about myself is that i’m being too easily influenced by the people around me.
it’s not that i can’t control it; i probably just don’t want to.
sometimes even i long for social connection and validation, so i tend to go back to their level and degrade.
however, another thing that i learned (or realized) is that it’s a pattern.
you’ve probably heard me mention ups and downs in life, like peaks and troughs in economics.
“a man who doesn’t know history is doomed to repeat it.”
after watching the most recent Tony Robbins interview (click here to watch), i actually started noticing the patterns of life, or how i like to call it - the duality of life.
when i was just starting out my journey of eCom/online selling in general, i had high expectations.
i saw a little bit of progress and thought that i made it and it will only be better from then.
the reality was a bit different.
i stopped making progress and was stagnant for months.
i wanted to quit, and almost quit many times.
and all this could’ve been prevented; i could’ve made much more progress if i knew this one thing - this is just a pattern.
shit has to go down before you climb up.
you have to go through pain in order to feel happiness.
if life was just a straight line, there’d be no point in achieving anything.
and so, i now embrace pain.
i am thankful for what i’ve been through and continue to go through because i know that without pain and discomfort, happiness has no value.
and no matter how many times i degrade, how many mistakes i make, it is all a part of the process.
i still have a somewhat bad habit of thinking about what could’ve been.
it helps me sometimes, but almost always makes me depressed.
acknowledging the life’s pattern helped me ease my mind.
not to mention that it will also help you be more self-aware, as well as think clearer.
acknowledge the patterns, recognize the patterns, and you’ll grow.
turn a blind eye to them, and you’ll keep living in the same repeating cycle.
the choice is yours.
thanks for reading & until next time.